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Subscription Box


Subscription boxes are one of the most popular E-Commerce business models in 2018, and i Logistics USA is helping many major subscription box companies drive revenue through the roof by saving them money on their shipping, packaging, and kitting. After working with various subscription box companies, i Logistics USA has the experience to eliminate your shipping headaches. i Logistics USA will help you strategize and end-to-end fulfillment solution with custom packaging, shipping, and tracking. We know presentation is everything, upon account creation you will work closely with our kitting experts to design the most appealing, and cost effective presentation for your products. 



The ideal subscription box fulfillment service integrates with your eCommerce platform to produce:


  • Accurate assembly

  • A variety of packing options

  • Custom packing slip

  • Shipping confirmation

  • Customer service

  • Fast, cost-effective shipping


iLogistics USA will consider you a partner, not a client. They know about subscription boxes. They’ve invested in the presentation and delivery of your product.

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Inventory Management


A subscription business is complicated. There are renewal dates, cut-off dates, and sales windows. There are rotating collections and custom products. Everything must coordinate for the business work.


Even when the timeframe runs smoothly, you need the right inventory in the right place. That’s the only way you can provide fast shipping. Professional inventory management creates a seamless experience from website order to delivery.

Kitting Services


Kitting services let subscription box companies streamline more of the production process.


Like inventory management, kitting services will help reduce expenses and improve quality. Your company won’t have to compile and manage packing materials and boxes.


You want to hire a company that meets your expectations and specifications. The way a subscription box looks is as important as what’s inside it. in i Logistics USA know about creating a positive image inside and outside the box.


Additionally, you can use pre-printed shipping labels. These accessories will help you save time because you don’t have to weigh the box.


Efficient Shipping


Shipping is another area where i Logistics USA make life easier. It cuts expenses related to multiple carriers.


Once a subscription box leaves the warehouse, it should get to your customer fast.


i Logistics USA partner with the major shipping carriers. That means shipping is cost-effective and quick no matter the destination.

Software and eCommerce Integration


The integrated software alerts you to low inventory, invalid shipping addresses, and out-of-stock products. If there are issues, you want to know immediately. If you’re aware, you can adjust in real-time to prevent delivery delays.


Fulfillment and inventory management software ends errors that occur from manually importing orders. When it integrates with your online shopping cart, you can process orders as fast as possible.


You want a partner like i Logistics USA, which can store your product and fulfill your orders. This lets you concentrate on growing your business.

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Allow us to show you the difference that we can make for your subscription box business

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