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Tips for Getting an E-Commerce Store Up and Running

Updated: Oct 23, 2021

If you’ve always wanted to run your own business, launching an e-commerce store could be a great way to get started. Selling products online is much more approachable than risking a major investment and purchasing a retail space. Nowadays, you don’t even have to hold inventory to open an online shop! Keep reading for more about the benefits of running an e-commerce store and learn how you can get started today.

Why E-Commerce?

Besides low startup costs, there are several other great reasons to consider opening an online shop! Per statistics cited by Retail Dive, most consumers start their product search online, so if your customers can find what they’re looking for without leaving the house, they’re much more likely to purchase from you.

E-commerce stores are more convenient for customers, providing an effortless shopping experience at any hour of the day. For you, opening an e-commerce shop means being able to run your business from anywhere, as long as you have access to the internet. If that’s not enough, online stores are also much easier to market using digital strategies!

Getting Started

Sold on the thought of opening an online shop? Once you’ve developed a great business idea and done your market research, it’s time to get your online storefront up and running. You'll need to think about creating a website. You have two basic options—you could purchase a pre-built template from a website building company, or you could have a custom site built from scratch. There are pros and cons to each option, so it’s important to consider your needs carefully. If you decide to go the custom-built route, you will need to hire a web developer to construct your online platform.

Another concern is registering your business. Many businesses choose to set themselves up as a limited liability company, but forming a corporation may make it easier to attract investors should your business need funding, and your personal assets will still be protected.

Pricing Your Products

Pricing your e-commerce products is a delicate process. Set your prices too high and you’ll drive away potential customers, but price your products too low and you could seriously hurt your profits. Don’t use price alone to drive your sales. You don’t necessarily want your products to be known for being the cheapest on the market. Instead, use good marketing tactics to focus on the quality of your products and justify their value.

Marketing Your Store

Marketing is crucial to the success of any e-commerce store. Fortunately, you don’t need much of a budget to drive traffic to your website. Focus on low-cost content marketing by producing valuable and informative blog posts, videos, and podcasts. Creating high-value content is a great way to develop a community of people who trust and support your brand. In turn, these engaged consumers are more likely to purchase from your business and recommend your products to others! When it comes to converting site visitors into paying customers, consider investing in professional sales copy and offering personalized discounts to your shoppers.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Setting up an online store can be complicated, and there’s a lot of room for error! Understanding the common mistakes that people make in e-commerce can help you avoid major issues that could spell the eventual shutdown of your business. Most e-commerce mistakes involve overlooking the importance of planning, research, and analytics. For example, not having a clear picture of your target audience will make it impossible to attract the right customers to your website. Another common pitfall in e-commerce is neglecting social media platforms and chatbots. Combined, these two elements of brand building and customer relationships can be a more effective strategy than email communications.

Starting an e-commerce store is an exciting and challenging business venture that can help you achieve financial independence. If you’re going to pursue this path, take your time and do it right so you can avoid mistakes and pitfalls along the way. All you need is a great idea and to see it through, and success will come!

Need assistance managing, tracking, and shipping orders for your e-commerce business? The iLogistics USA team is ready to help! Call 305-909-0400 or complete this form.

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