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A Solution to All of Your eCommerce Fulfillment Needs - i Logistics USA

Many entrepreneurs fail to realize that storage, packaging, and logistics can often make or break their entire business. In fact, these factors matter so much that ecommerce giant Amazon itself has invested billions of dollars into its own logistics network. Yet, for the average online vendor, they can’t afford to purchase an entire warehouse. This is where iLogistics USA can help.

By outsourcing your eCommerce needs to i Logistics USA, you can pass the responsibilities of picking, packing, shipping, and managing your business’s orders to a dedicated fulfillment service. This will free up your schedule to focus on more important matters like growing your business. i Logistics USA will simply handle the rest and take care of your orders through every step.

Not sold just yet? Let’s explore all of i Logistics USA services and take a closer look at how we can help your ecommerce business grow. By the end of this article, you will surely see that your logistic fulfillment needs are better served by a dedicated team like ours.

Why Outsource Your eCommerce Fulfillment Needs?

The ecommerce industry is growing at an alarming rate, currently projected at a compounded annual growth rate of 14.7% over the next 5 years. While this amount of growth certainly signals a potential goldmine for online vendors, it also translates to intense competition. In order to stay ahead of the curve, you need to focus on what you are good at and outsource the rest.

For example, if you are good at marketing and driving traffic to your website but not so good at order fulfillment, then it makes sense to outsource that responsibility to someone else. This is where i Logistics USA comes in. We are a dedicated team of ecommerce experts that can take care of your order fulfillment needs so that you can focus on other areas of your business.

Rather than wasting limited resources on logistical obligations, outsourcing your fulfillment responsibilities can free up your business to focus on person-to-person interactions and creating your brand.

i Logistics USA Offers Solutions at Every Step of the Way

No matter how large your company is, i Logistics USA offers a wide range of services to help your ecommerce business grow. From order fulfillment to customer service, we’ve got you covered. So, when you work with us, we’ll manage:

Multi-channel Fulfillment – Whether you receive orders through a company website, a brick-and-mortar store, a call center, or a mobile app, we’ll provide end-to-end fulfillment services with your business in mind. With iLogist, your company branding always comes first so that buyers remember you and we’ll even track your orders for you. No more Excel sheets, no more analytics. Just i Logistics USA.

Inventory Management – As your business grows, you will need to keep track of an increasing number of SKUs and products. This can quickly become overwhelming and make it difficult to know what’s in stock and what needs to be reordered. With i Logistics USA, we can take care of your inventory for you and even provide real-time updates so that you always know what’s going on.

Returns Management – It is inevitable that some of your customers will want to return products they’ve purchased from you. Rather than dealing with the hassle of managing returns yourself, let i Logistics USA take care of it for you. We will process returns quickly and efficiently so that you can focus on selling more products.

Business-to-Business Fulfillment – We serve plenty of small businesses but, as your business grows, you will find yourself selling to other companies in addition to direct consumer sales. When you work with i Logistics USA, we can help manage business-to-business (B2B) fulfillment by taking care of storing, packaging, and shipping your products to other businesses while you focus on developing new working relationships.

Beyond the basics, we’re even prepared to handle subscription box services, crowdfunding projects, custom packaging, and much, much, more. As your business grows, so too do we.

Who We Work With i Logistics USA

In this day and age, integrations matter more than anything when it comes to ecommerce sales. By integrating with a variety of stores and markets, we’re better able to automate orders, provide real-time updates between systems, and eliminate inefficiencies and errors. Our integrations have allowed us to provide visibility to clients and consumers, boosting sales and transparency across the board.

To date, i Logistics USA has fully integrated with some of the largest digital markets in the world, including:

  • Amazon.

  • Shopify.

  • WooCommerce.

  • Google.

  • eBay.

  • Etsy.

  • Target.

  • Walmart.

  • Target.

  • UPS.

  • FeDex.

  • DHL.

  • USPS.

These twelve companies represent just a small fraction of the total number of integrations we currently offer. Check out the full list of integrations at this LINK and don’t hesitate to reach out for more information if you don’t see your selling platform.

How to Sign Up with iLogistics USA

Interested in handing your ecommerce fulfillment responsibilities over to i Logistics USA? It is as easy as sending an email. Head on over to our main site and request a quote today by providing us with some simple information. We will get back to you within two business days and start the process. All we need is for you to complete the following form: LINK and send them to

We guarantee transparent best rate prices that match the size and needs of your business. Once you’ve signed up, you will gain access to our leading support team, specialized cloud-based management software that’s overseen by dedicated account managers, secure storage facilities and warehouses, and the full range of our integrations.

Simply send us your inventory and we will handle it from there. Your products will be safely stored in a combination of our i Logistics USA fulfillment center, helping to spread your market reach and bringing new customers from around the country. You simply land the sales and we’ll get the confirmation immediately.

For your clients, we can promise two-day and same-day shipping, flat-rate prices, and free standard packaging. Once a customer places an order, we’ll manage the logistics of getting your goods to their final destination and you reap the profit. Best of all, if anything happens to the packages, you don’t have to worry about it. Insurance has you covered, no matter the loss.

The same goes for returns. If a customer is ever dissatisfied with their purchase, we’ll handle the return process, washing your hands of the problem. As soon as the product is back in stock, we’ll automatically update your SKUs and make a note of the return in your analytics.


i Logistics USA is the perfect solution for entrepreneurs who are looking to outsource their storage, packaging, and logistics needs. We are a dedicated team of ecommerce experts who can take care of your order fulfillment needs so that you can focus on other areas of your business. We offer a wide range of services, from order fulfillment to customer service, and we are always here to help your ecommerce business grow.

Sign-up is simple, Once registered, simply send us your inventory and we’ll start processing orders for you. To learn more, contact us today, let us know how we can help, and we’ll do our best to meet all of your logistical needs.


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