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A Home-Based Business May Just Crack the Childcare Conundrum

Updated: Jul 10, 2022

The balance between work and children has long been a tightrope walk for parents, not just emotionally, but also economically. The Economic Policy Institute allows you to check average childcare costs in each state; as an example, in Texas, the average cost of childcare for an infant is $777 a month, or over $9,000 annually. For families with 2 or more children who need full-time childcare, or even after-school care for an older child, the economic benefits of working and paying others to care for your children can quickly dissipate – and the emotional toll can weigh heavily, as well.

Fortunately, with relatively easy access to technology, high-speed internet, and the acceptance and popularity of today’s “gig economy,” parents who want more flexible options for both work and being with their children can easily find them or create them. There are also more companies that cater to these home-based businesses. For example, iLogistics USA makes it easy for your home-based e-commerce business to offer first-class fulfillment and service that rivals large corporations.

Boundless business options

Home-based self-employment is not new; people have been offering house-cleaning services for years, perhaps even growing from one individual to bringing others to their team. If you are a massage therapist, an accountant, a good writer, a fast typist, or just enjoy running errands, you can likely generate some income with some low-cost marketing, perseverance, and hustle.

What you do have now that wasn’t as prolific 20 years ago is social media. You can use these platforms to gain followers, run cost-effective ad campaigns that target your ideal customers, profile satisfied clients, and even create online surveys that can increase customer engagement and perhaps gain some new leads.

If your appetite leans more toward online commerce, be glad that we have moved well beyond the days when our only options were eBay and Craigslist! Now, you have plenty of available resources to get you started, as well as online store platforms. A reliable and reputable fulfillment company is also essential to get your orders out on time and within budget. Your best recipe for repeat orders starts with a satisfied customer.

The business of branding and marketing

Your brand is like your business’ identification. It is what makes it distinct from other companies, even if they sell identical or similar products or services. It is also a reflection of you. If you have a fun or casual personality and cater to a similar customer base, then your logo, colors, and even your typeface will reflect that fun and casual personality. Understanding your brand identity is key to targeting the audience most likely to buy your products or services. By understanding their tastes and habits, you can more effectively channel your communications to them. It makes more business sense to spend ad dollars on channels you know your likely customers are watching than it does to scatter advertising dollars and hope there’s a customer out there somewhere.

One targeted marketing strategy is using influencer marketing. Influencers permeate online platforms with thousands – or sometimes hundreds of thousands – of followers who pay attention to what they say, and what they endorse and recommend. It’s like getting a word-of-mouth referral for your business, only en masse. With today’s online job platforms, you can scope out professional influencer marketers, read their reviews, and assess their delivery time and cost before hiring them for your home-based business.

Success in home and business life

It may take you some time to get your home-based business off the ground. You may need part-time childcare to have some uninterrupted hours during the day to dedicate to your business – but now you have the luxury of knowing that those decisions are in your control, and in your hands. You get to spend time with your children when it’s right for you, and not when your out-of-home job dictates it.

You also don’t need to feel alone. If you have questions about e-commerce fulfillment, or even if you need ideas for funding your home-based business, give the professionals at iLogistics USA a call. We’ll help you take care of your family.

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